
What is ValeFest?

ValeFest stage

ValeFest is The University of Birmingham’s very own on-campus music festival! It is run in collaboration between the Guild of Students and the Valefest Student Group Team of volunteers. Held at the Vale Village, it aims to kick off the UOBXtra period of activities while raising money for charity, showcasing some of the best up and coming artists on the Birmingham music scene, and giving you an opportunity to celebrate the end of exams.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Valefest! We’ve had quite a journey and made a few changes throughout our time here, but we’re so proud of everything we’ve achieved and that we get you to bring you such an incredible event right on your doorstep. We hope you have a brilliant time!

Our 2024 lineup is coming soon… keep an eye out on our socials or check back here for updates.

What’s the point of ValeFest?

2019 St Basil's Charity Handover

ValeFest was created to raise money for worthwhile causes. Over the last 20 years, we have raised over £200,000 for incredible charities that support causes such as mental health, cancer research, malaria, homelessness and victims of sexual assault.

This year we are supporting CoppaFeel - a breast cancer awareness charity aiming to educate young people about the importance of checking their breasts.

Who runs ValeFest?

ValeFest is collaborative project between the University of Birmingham’s Guild of Students and the student team of Valefest volunteers. The student team leads the creative side of the project, choosing the lineup and booking all the artists. We also choose the charity each year and organise fundraising events throughout the year to raise money for them.

If you’d like to be part of the Valefest team, we’d love to have you! Contact us via valefestival@guild.bham.ac.uk

2022 Committee

The 2024 Committee:

Chair: Aoife O’Driscoll-Paton

Vice-Chair: Lucy Gibson

Treasurer: Matthew Woodgate

Secretary: Hannah Dodd

Production Liaison: Izzy Saltrese

Head of Ents: Bertie Gathercole

Commercial Opportunities Co-ordinator: Martha Roche

Head of Site: Zsofia Keresztes

Also with: Jess Newman, Tom Wykes, Sergio Mendes, Louise Fransham and Krista Goodwin

We’re currently making changes to our committee structure! To vote on constitutional changes, come to our AGM on 2/5/2024 at 5pm in the Guild of Students! To get your Valefest membership: [guildofstudents.co.uk/group/valefest]